Board Elections Next Month

Are you interested in helping improve your neighborhood? Do you have a specific cause that you care about, and you think it’s something the neighborhood should help with? Or do you just think it’s about time somebody else replaced that guy who always sits at the front of the room during meetings?

Now is your chance! Neighborhood elections are next month, and we think you’d make a great candidate. All positions are up for election.

To be eligible, you must be 18 and either live within our boundaries or own property within our boundaries. You must also be a dues paying member. Our dues are a steal at $10 for an individual or $15 for a family. You can even pay at the election meeting and be eligible to run.

Here are the board roles you can run for:

  • President – Manage & lead meetings, invite speakers, and be public face of association.
  • Vice President – Manage & lead meetings, invite speakers, and be public face of association. (backup to President)
  • Director of Administration – Responsible for checking postal mail, newsletter production and distribution, and recording official meeting minutes.
  • Director of Finance / Treasurer -  Responsible for bank account, accepting & making payments, and ensuring association budget is adhered to.
  • Director of Resident Engagement – Manage association membership list, work meeting door, respond to neighbor inquiries, and plan events.
  • Director of Safety – Lead NOM and neighborhood watch efforts, monitor crime reports, and be POC for SLMPD and City safety agencies.
  • Director of Business Engagement – Be POC for and manage relationship with local businesses and City permitting agencies, monitor business activity, and coordinate permit responses.
  • Director of Community Relations – Manage neighborhood website, email, and social accounts. Be POC for and manage relationship with nearby schools and neighborhoods.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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